If you had asked me this question nine years ago I would not have known the answer. Was it some kind of chemical formula or part of a mathematical equation ? To be honest nine years ago did I really care ?
In spring 2005 my wife Colleen and I were more focused on the arrival of our baby. We had got married the previous year and not being the youngest of newlyweds had decided to start a family straight away. With the biological clock ticking the big concern was the risk of Down's Syndrome which as everyone knows is more common where older parents are concerned.
So early in Colleen's pregnancy we went off to King's College Hospital for a nuchal translucency scan which measures by ultrasound the fluid at the back of the neck of the foetus. This measurement is then used to predict the risk of Down's Syndrome.
We were told the risk was within the normal range and the scan was OK.
Like all prospective parents we were hoping for a healthy baby. Having had the nuchal translucency scan we had ticked the box for Down's Syndrome, so no need to worry about a chromosome abnormality!!
King's College Hospital, London |
Welcome to blogging and good luck in your quest to publish for 22 consecutive days! I'm sure that your blog will be great publicity and increase awareness of the syndrome.